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Who is Alex Trebek?
by Lisa Rogak

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The book was written a few months before Alex Trebek died. It seems odd to me that they knew he had Stage 4 pancreatic cancer, but didn't chose to wait until after he died before publishing the book. It would have been more complete if the author/publishing house had waited. Despite that, it was a well-written book about Alex, warts and all.

by Patricia Cornwell

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The author spent over 200 pages of a 400-page book talking about everything other than the body she was on-scene to investigate. It should not have taken that long for the main character to examine the body. Sheesh!

Entangled Life
by Merlin Sheldrake

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Entangled Life is not a quick read, but went faster than I expected. I don’t know much about mushrooms, lichen, etc. This is very sciency, but clear. I can promise how much I’ll remember. The chapter on radical mycology — using fungi to help break down litter like used diapers, cigarette butts, even some plastics — is probably the most worth reading.

Jeannie Out of the Bottle
by Barbara Eden

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Really interesting book. Had no idea Larry Hagman was always horrible on the set of Jeannie. And, boy-oh-boy was Barbara the object of lust of a lot of men in Hollywood. She needs more counseling to help her deal with her son's drug overdose death. It's not her fault. It was his choice to do drugs.

by Candice Carty-Williams

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Excellent and courageous

Happy Easter, Biscuit!
by Alyssa Satin Capucilli

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Easy read, fun book

From The Darkness Cometh Light
by Lucy A. Delaney

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Lucy Delaney's memoir is the only firsthand account of a freedom suit. Lucy's mother, Polly, and several other free black citizens of Illinois were kidnapped, taken to Missouri, and sold as slaves. Polly married the valet of the man who bought her and they had two daughters. After the death of the owner and his wife, Polly's husband was sold "down south." Polly remembered growing up free and encouraged her daughters to always look out for the chance to run away. Lucy's older sister did make it to freedom in Canada. Polly ran away, but was captured in Chicago by slave hunters. She sued for her freedom, proving she was born free. Polly sued for Lucy's freedom, too, on the basis that a slave could not be born to a free woman. The jury agreed. Polly (laundress) and Lucy (seamstress) worked and saved, finally having enough to visit Lucy's sister in Canada. Polly died without ever knowing what happened to her husband. After Emancipation, Lucy located her father in Virginia. Lucy was a leader in the black churches, social, and political organizations of St Louis.

The Getaway List
by Emma Lord

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Sweet little friends to lovers trope

Sure, I'll Join Your Cult
by Maria Bamford

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This has been on my to-be-read list since we got it. I didn’t know Maria Bamford, don’t remember her Target Christmas ads — altho I learned in this book that she was on Arrested Development so I did know her a little after all. Maria’s stand-up act is, according to the book, based a lot on her family and her struggles with mental illness. And that’s what this book is, too. She talks about when her intrusive thoughts began as a pre-teen and the OCD habits she started to combat them. Then her teenage eating disorder. Which lead to her first 12 step program (she joined several). She’s very candid about her mistakes — with people, money, work, medications. If you’re close to someone who’s been in a 12 step and/or therapy for years you’ll recognize the required total honesty. It really is a helpful read for anyone struggling with mental illness and anyone who loves someone with mental illness.

I Only Read Murder
by Will Ferguson

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Happy Rock, OR, is the stereotypical small town found in books and sitcoms created by native NYCers. Everyone is quirky. There is exactly one of every type of business (even florist when there can’t be enough sales to keep it afloat), all locally-owned by the same families for at least 3 generations. Everything is in easy walking distance, except the big city which is an hour’s drive. And there are no possible secrets. Enter Hollywood has-been Miranda, former star of an 80s(?) mystery show. She’s broke and forgotten, but delusional that she’s still entitled to full star treatment. The first half of the book is dull exposition in flashbacks, reminiscences, and awkward character introductions. The authors start promising there is a murder coming at about the 40% point. They do not bother with subtle foreshadowing, going more for pleading readers to stick around. The actual murder happens at 64%. wow. Miranda believes she was the intended victim and pretty much accuses all of the other characters, mostly based on her “humorous” misunderstanding of these characters based on the how they were all initially (mis)introduced — to Miranda and to readers. Eventually she gets it right in the lamest drawing room reveal scene ever. And we know self-centered Miranda has grown as person because she doesn’t rush back to LA at the end. It’s the worst Hallmark movie tropes forcibly merged into the blandest cozy.