Program for adults starts July 1st and runs through August 5th.
Read and log your books for points, all books count. Earn extra points by filling in the BINGO card. Collect prizes as you earn them. There are participation prizes at the end for those that try but life gets busy.
This program is designed for children ages 0 to 5 to encourage life-long reading habits.
Please include your child's age and school when registering. This is requested by our collaborative prize sponsors, Spencer Co. Family Resource Center & OVEC Regional Collaborative.
This program is designed for teens ages 13 to 18 to encourage life-long reading habits.
Please include participant's age and school when registering. This is requested by our collaborative prize sponsors, Spencer Co. Family Resource Center & OVEC Regional Collaborative.
Thank you for registering your family! To access the kids' program please select the correct age group.
Adult Summer Reading begins July 1st and you may register for the Adult program "Read, Renew, Repeat" at that time. Why should kids get all the fun? You can read and earn prizes, too!
When using this option make sure to make the Adult Reader 1 and the Kids Readers 2 through 10. If you need to fix this, simply go to "Account", choose "My account" and change the name on Reader 1 to the adult and either add a reader or change the name and age for the incorrect reader.